
Solasta crown of the magister ranger favored enemy
Solasta crown of the magister ranger favored enemy

In fact, if you could make a 5-character team with a Ranger, the Ranger would just end up just being a fifth wheel. In short, you can get enough damage potential and utility value out of all the other classes. And Humanoids got taken off the list, so you won't be getting any bonus damage against Soraks, Solasta's big bad guys in the campaign. Haven't fought any Oozes, Plants, Constructs, Fey, or Dragons yet. And you actually need meta knowledge of the campaign to make sure it's not going to be a dead ability. TA is doing the correct thing by home-brewing in bonus damage, but it starts at 0 and maxes out at 4 only if you keep coming across enemies of that creature type. Favored Enemy is literally weaponized racism. The two only thing a Ranger can really better than any other class is: Clerics keep them healthy, while the Rogue can snipe for burst damage with nearly every attack. Fighters and Paladins can dish it out as much as they can take. Need a tank? Paladins and Fighters do that better.Īnd Paladins can both tank and heal themselves. Rangers can heal? That's your Cleric's job. And Rations are so stupid easy to come by you don't usually need the extra food from hunting anyways. Greenmages can always prepare Goodberry too. Rangers can get you food? All you need is a Sylvan Elf Rogue. The problem with the Ranger while they can do a lot of different things, they get out-shined by the specialists. If that sounds like too much work for you, then it might not be worth it for you. It's just something you really have to plan ahead for. Granted, this can be avoided if you keep magic scrolls. It is perfectly possible for you to find yourself in a position to choose between something like Cure Wounds or HM because you got only one slot left. Colossus Slayer suffers from the exact same problem, it doesn't scale, it will never be anything but 1d8 per round.

solasta crown of the magister ranger favored enemy

So it becomes largely lackluster by level 10, which is Solata's planned final level cap. The bonus damage doesn't ever improve, unlike Sneak Attack. It goes away after each rest (unless you cast HM at a higher level and are taking a short rest), so you have to remember to cast it again after each rest. But the Rogue actually excels in Archery at higher levels. If your Ranger doesn't have a good Con Sav, you're going to have to recast it frequently or be an Archer to try to avoid taking hits. Additionally, if your Ranger is taking hits, that's a Constitution Saving Throw to see if they keep it, per hit. So you will always have to choose between HM or a different concentration spell. Hunter's Mark adds +1d6 per hit and it lasts for an hour using a 1st level spell slot. So the question boils down to, is HM worth it? Most notably, a fighter has the access to the exact same Fighting Styles and weapons, and more. I won't deny that Hunter's Mark has its use as a DPS amplifier, but there isn't anything else the Ranger can do that no other class can do equally well or better. Lots of people here swear by Rangers, I don't really know why other than for Hunter's Mark. Try to use only cantrips for the minor fights, keeping the bigger spells for the bigger battles, especially those where you can long-rest, straight after combat. If I were to highlight one major fighting technique, it would be to use as few spell resources as possible on lesser encounters. Wizards are also a natural choice for the Manacalon Rosary, a necessary item to convert all those 'primed' weapons and armour into magical ones. I even stuck a 19 Str item on my wizard and watched her really thump an enemy with her Qstaff when they are annoyingly adjacent to her (which would give you disadvantage on spellcasting).īattle clerics can do quite a few things wizards can, with solid zap spells.BUT they can't just take 10 mins to identify magic items and there is lots of gear and potions to identify. They can wear either light armour (Green Mage option, I believe) or medium armour (Sellsword background) - I've run both types.

solasta crown of the magister ranger favored enemy

You can make your wizard tougher depending on your early choice of cleric type. You could add a Paladin instead of a Cleric, but it isn't as good. The ability for halfling rogues to run round and through enemies to get behind them is very nice. Rogues do consistently high damage both with a bow and in melee with two light finesse weapons from stealth.

solasta crown of the magister ranger favored enemy

Wizards are good as a Green Mage or Shock Arcanist (haven't tried the other option). Cleric is subclass Battle for the martial weapons proficiency (battleaxe or warhammer) and makes a good secondary fighter with warhammer and shield. Everyone has a bow or crossbow, Ranger is a dual wielder (finesse based weapons). I know in any game it's common to want "just one more companion", but I'm currently running Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Cleric (similar to kebab-case in the post above this) and that covers pretty much anything.

Solasta crown of the magister ranger favored enemy